For pickups please email: [email protected]
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White Post $40.00
Black Post $50.00
Flyer box $5.00

Part of Our Service

  • Free Storage:  We take care of your signs and nameriders. They will never be stored out in the weather.
  • Picking Up Posts After Sale Ends
  • Maintenance Upon Request

Commercial Signs

We install commercial signs too! Standard pricing is $250-300 plus cost of materials. To get a quote please email us HERE with details (size, location, design, etc)

Call Before You Dig

Washington State Law

Due to Washington State laws call before you dig all posts must be located for utility services by the utility providers. This process is generally a 2 day process. However, if there is a holiday or weekend additional time to locate may occur. This process is out of our hands… we can not change the time frame and we must follow these rules. The penalty is a very large fine and can result in closure of business. We take this very seriously. Sign Post will be installed within 1 business day of locate completion. All posts location must be pre-marked for locate – you or the seller can put a white flag or white X where you would like the post. Please be mindful of sprinkler lines! For your convenience, we can also pre-locate for you just add to cart when you order your signpost.

Areas We Serve

Clark County, Cowlitz County, Greater Vancouver area,

About Us

Originally founded as C and M Signpost by Cindy Slusher in the late 2010’s with the intent of growing it to the best sign installation company in the county.
When Joe Ramska retired, C and M took on most of his clientele.
In early 2021, Cindy caught Covid and died. In her absence, her husband decided to sell the company to us.

We are Superior Realestate Signposts, and our goal is to become the best sign installation company in the county.
We’re locally and family owned, and have been in the area for over 50 years.
We also care deeply about the realestate industry, and have worked closely with realtors for the past three decades.

What you can expect

  • Prompt Service
  • Responsive and Personal Communication
  • Freshly Painted and Clean
  • Customization Upon Request
  • Text Comfirmation of Installation with Pictures

Our Promise To You

We promise to have the best possible signpost installation for you. We will build your signposts to the top sign post standards. We will provide the best in the signpost industry for you. Our clients matter to us.

Reach Us

Tony Brouhard – Owner and Manager

Vancouver, WA

cell 360-448-3020